You are here: Operating Manual > Clients > New Client

topuptax - New Client

Under the List Clients heading on the left hand pane of the main screen click New Client to select the type of tax client you wish to create then hit the Ok button.

This opens the Main Details screen appropriate to the client type selected.

Continue entering the rest of your client's data and on completion click on the Save button. You cannot assign staff or partners to this client until the data is saved.

Although not all client data needs to be entered before saving, the Client Type must be selected and Client Code and Gender boxes completed.

Select the relevant HMRC office using the drop down arrow to the right of the Tax Office box.

Hitting the Copy button enables the address and phone numbers of a partner or family member to be copied from another client. Entering Phone Numbers is both simple and flexible.


Whilst it is possible to see which members of staff are assigned to a client it is not possible to assign or unassign staff unless logged in as a master user.





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